Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cathedrals of the Middle Ages and Something Special

Hey Grade 8's,
As promised, here are some pictures of famous Cathedrals from built during the Middle Ages. As you can see they are mazing structures to behold. The first pictures are from the Cathedral in Lincoln England and the the famous Cathedral of Canturbury.

Lincoln Cathedral

                                     Canterbury Cathedral Enlgand         Inside picture of the Cathedral

Now, this next Cathedral is currently in production in Barcelona Spain. La Segrada Familia was commisioned in 1882 and is still being built today. They say it has 5 more years until completion. The architecte of this amazing structure is Gaudi. He died in 1928 but his vision continues. This Cathedral is in full working order and holds daily masses and is visited by millions. It is the most unique cathedral in the world.

Exterior shots of this mass structure. Each pillar represtents the apostales.

Areal shot of the Cathedral in downtown Barcelona

If you want more information on La Sagrada Familia go to and push the "eng" button or you will be reading everything in spanish.

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